Paul and Jenny operate under the Code of Ethics of the Ocularists Asscociation of Australia:
To keep the welfare of the patient, specifically in regards to their needs for an ocular prosthesis, uppermost at all times and to ensure, to the best of my ability that any patient in need of my services receives appropriate care.
To gain appropriate competencies so as to provide the best possible product and patient care, and to maintain such competencies through continuing education.
To promote patient participation in decisions, which effect them, by providing accurate and up to date information, in terms which they, the patient can understand.
To refer to another professional whenever further expertise is necessary for the patients benefit.
To maintain my practice in keeping with professional standards and if deemed necessary by the Ocularists Association of Australia Ltd to allow review of myself and my practice by my peers.
To hold in the strictest professional confidence all patient information and use such data only for the benefit of the patient.
To promote and maintain cordial and mutually useful relationships with members of my profession and of other professions, for the interchange of information for my professional growth and for the advantage of my patients.